Raymond Clark III, that entered a Not Guilty defense the last year, will change his defense when it attends a Thursday of audience of planned court, the Current Hartford retrieved. Annie It, 24, an Etudiant graduate that disappeared on September 8, 2009, was found dead five days later behind a wall in a basement laboratory on the campus of Yale.
The Clark of 26 years, that was in prison on $3 millions of guarantees, pled not guilty to murder and the crime murder. Murder and the crime murder each door a sentence of 25 to 60 years in prison. The police said that a green pen to ink under the body of THE had his DNA of blood and Clark over.
The police said that Clark signed in the assured building with a green pen the The of day disappeared. The court papers describe a scene of bloody crime and the efforts of Clark to rub floors.
The said investigators that Clark tried to hide a can of cleaning of the lingettes that were found to have later tracks of blood Of The. Clark had a scratch on his face and his left arm that it said came from a cat, the investigators wrote in the court papers.