"Men are not safely. It amazes that this lifted," said Ali, joined closed that two men and 15 hurt have been killed, one "quite crtical".
He said that the powers of Gadhafi not yet in the city had can get, that behind the vooruitgaanregeringslijn is.
The United States put for that the United Nations more than only will lays a no-fly zone on Libië on as Moammar the powers of Gadhafi their away eastward to the rebels capital of Benghazi fights.
Air attacks against the powers of Gadhafi are under options discussed to become as diplomats try a resolution of the Un-security council out to work, said a diplomatic source.
'The V. S. survey is that we want to must be steps after thinking that encompass, but perhaps go past a no-fly zone, on this moment, if the state on the grounds developed has and as a no-fly zone inherent limitations in terms of protection of citizens of immediate risk has,' Ambassador Susan that Rice reporters in New York told. of.
The powers of Gaddafi say that they control over the strategic city of Ajdabiya Tuesday, the last city for the rebels bulwark of Benghazi, but the rebels acquired deny this.
One of the suns, Saif of Gaddafi Already-Islam, said that Wednesday the army Benghazi within 48 hours would arrest.